Why you should visit TOZI Battersea this Christmas for afternoon tea

Over the past couple of years, Battersea Power Station has taken London by storm. Sleek, clean and spacious, this industrial piece of architectural magnificence offers so much more than just shopping and dining. At Christmas it becomes a glittering wonderland decorated with glowing lights, festooned Christmas trees and even a huge ice skating rink beside the river. As well as a lift that takes you right to the top of one of the chimneys and great shopping, there is a pure plethora of unique places to eat, rising far above your average ‘shopping mall’ crowd of usual suspect eateries. 

Amongst these carefully selected eateries, you will find TOZI Grand Café. Inspired by the elegance of Europe’s famous grand cafés, at its core, TOZI celebrates authentic Italian dishes. TOZI stands resplendent in the power station’s shadow outside, a gleaming building of steel and glass, a stylish contemporary addition to this area of modern culture. I find myself gazing up at TOZI one afternoon at the end of November, its name emblazoned adobe above the doorway, glowing gold, glittering fairy lights and Christmas trees reflected in the glass around it. 

A scene fit for a Christmas movie, it won’t surprise you that TOZI is hosting several festive options this December. I am here to sample their Italian Festive Afternoon Tea. Although an echoing space full of smooth surfaces and glass, the atmosphere is alive. Merry diners chatter and laugh all around me, clinking glasses of daytime prosecco and toasting the season. The attentive staff are immediately on hand to lay down a three-tiered platter of Italian afternoon tea delicacies, plus a pot of Earl Grey tea for two. 

TOZI Battersea afternoon teaOur waitress recommends we begin with the bottom layer: the savoury section. Italian to its core, this a spread consisting of pane carasau, prosciutto, mozzarella, rocket on ciabatta marinated vegetables, pesto on focaccia, cured meats, pickles and cheeses. The stand out for me has to be the prosciutto, which later I see being sliced over on the counter. Beautifully salty, with its distinctive texture, this goes down a treat with the tangy pickles and creamy cheeses. The focaccia is nicely fluffy and the savoury, deli aspect of the first tier is heightened all the more by the marinated veggies.

Topping up on good, strong Earl Grey, which is both refreshing and comforting, we start on the second tier. This is made up of four ‘Maritozzi’: a brioche bun, its middle consisting of spiced apple compote and topped with chantilly cream. The brioche is gorgeously fluffy and the chantilly cream is a light and airy dairy dream. The creaminess with the sweetness from the brioche are together a delightful parallel to the fruity tang of the apple compote. The perfect midway point of the tea before we finish with the top tier.

TOZI Battersea afternoon teaThe final tier is the sweetest and most delicate. I first select the caramel and cinnamon mousse with hazelnut praline. It is shaped like a Santa hat and very sweet to both taste and look at. Next up I go for the slice of chocolate yule log – a Christmas favourite – and then the pistachio macaron. The macaron is the tastiest treat of the three and even has a little chocolate Christmas tree attached. Although very pretty, when it comes to the top tier, I think visual appeal outdoes taste but it is still a lovely end to what is undoubtedly a delectable afternoon tea. 

If you’re looking for the perfect festive blend of Italy-meets-England at Christmas, then a Tozi Festive Afternoon Tea is your answer. Buon natale!



Olivia Riccini

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