Why You Should Try A Fly Fishing Experience in Surrey

Do you have someone in your life who is tricky to buy for? Does this person happen to love the great outdoors? If so, a fly fishing experience in Surrey may be the perfect gift for that person or even a present to yourself.

I, like many others was incorrect in my assumption that fly fishing, was a sport that was only accessible in places like Scotland, where we most often see it portrayed in the media. Little did I know, that in fact on my doorstep was a fantastic business based in the idyllic Surrey Hills called We Fly Fish.


fly fishing experience in surrey


Run by Marc O’Regan, We Fly Fish is the leading provider of fly fishing lessons and guiding in the South East. We Fly Fish Pros have access to the best still waters and chalk streams from Kent to Wiltshire, suitable for all levels of experience.

I was lucky enough to be invited along to join Marc for a morning of trout fishing on the Albury Estate set within the Surrey Hills.


fly fishing experience in surrey


I arrived at the location for the day to be greeted by the extremely bubbly and charming Marc, who was quick to make me feel at ease with a vast amount of knowledge and a laid back teaching approach. We clicked immediately. Armed with nothing more than a pair of wellies and a Barbour, Marc provided all the equipment which made the morning hassle-free. After a short and brief tutorial on the land, I was off fishing on the lake within 20 minutes.

Our three-hour session gave enough time for me to grasp everything I needed from the basic principles of casting to the type of fly used in this style of fishing.


fly fishing experience in surrey


Despite the weather conditions, which I might add for context, consisted of torrential rain and stormy conditions- I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience from start to finish.

We Fly Fish offer an experience that is really suited to all different walks of life and all levels of ability. For anyone who, like me were completely unaware of just how enjoyable three hours of calm, fresh air and tranquillity can be then I would urge them to give this company a go.


fly fishing days out


Not only would I recommend this for people to try themselves, but perhaps as a gift for a loved one. We Fly Fish offers a great alternative Christmas gift for those who are maybe looking to try a new outdoor pursuit or are looking to try an alternative weekend activity outdoors in the fresh air. (Click here to buy a gift card)


fly fishing days out


We Fly Fish makes fly fishing approachable for any newbie wanting to spend the day in the great outdoors.


Review by Edward Goodsell 

All images belong to We Fly Fish

Fishing day ticket provided by Albury Estate (click here for more info)

fly fishing lesson

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