Ten Minutes with Peigin Crowley, founder of GROUND wellbeing

Many brands claim that their products will make you feel as if you are in a spa, however many fail to deliver. GROUND wellbeing however, delivers in abundance, and their pregnancy-specific products did quite literally ooze the aromas of some of my favourite spas I have ever visited. You can now find me on a nightly basis gently massaging my facial oil and deep sleep body balm in, deeply inhaling the luxurious aromas as if I am indeed, in a spa. I almost feel guilty for how good they smell, and feel. I caught up with Peigin Crowley below, founder of GROUND wellbeing to discuss her impressive brand and all things motherhood.

 Give us a brief overview of what GROUND Wellbeing is.

Ground Wellbeing crafts natural plant-based ingredients to create products and intuitive self-care rituals. All of the products are handmade in small batches in Cork, Ireland and blended with sincere intention to soothe the soul. Rooted in the principle of ‘Going Forward to Basics’ we prioritise & ritualise self care using natural, botanical, plant based ingredients.

We are a therapist-led spa brand; born of treatment and the power of touch. We work with purpose and intention, delivering carefully developed massage rituals for the face & body to bring relief from insomnia, anxiety, burnout, digestive issues, pregnancy and menopausal symptoms. We wholeheartedly believe that “it’s not about how you look, it’s about how you feel”.

You have an impressive career span in the luxury spa industry, in your expert opinion, where do you see things in the next 5 years?

I think we will continue to see the long term impact on people after the last few years of lockdowns and the fear and worry that went hand in hand with that. This has taken a toll not just on our physical health but on our emotional and mental wellbeing. As a result of having to go for long periods of time without human contact and physical touch, we are seeing an overwhelming need and demand for hands on massage therapy more than ever before. I believe that this will continue to be the case as people now know the value and the importance of hands on massage treatments and how much it influences their overall health and wellbeing.

Have you always seen yourself as a Founder and business owner or was this something that happened organically?

It’s something that has evolved naturally. For 25 years I have worked in the world of spa, my role within the industry has changed over the years from spa therapist to spa manager to spa consultant but I have always been an aromatherapist at heart, deeply immersed in a love of holistics and the ways in which we can bring our mind, body and soul back into balance and alignment. GROUND was born in early 2020 in the midst of the first COVID lockdown when all of my work went quiet. Spas worldwide closed completely and there was a moment when we wondered if we would ever open again. I was grounded at home with my family and it was then I got brave. With the support of my husband, I decided to develop my own wellbeing brand. I wanted to do wholehearted wellness in my own may, in a way that’s inclusive and solution-driven rather than pampering and indulgent. I feel as though I was gifted a beautiful freedom to develop products and design packaging to the beat of my own drum. Now, I feel as though I’m on a quest to understand how to balance and align ourselves in order to achieve longevity. I am thoroughly passionate about purposeful self-care and the education required to look after ourselves in a meaningful way that is what continues to drive me.

GROUND wellbeing

Which one of the rituals are your HERO, everyday products- or is it too hard to choose?

That would be like choosing a favourite child; an impossible decision to make! That being said, I adore and am committed to taking time out for a hot bath, it’s one of things that allows me to feel deeply restored. Whether that’s a bath during the day with the Breathe Bath Salts or at night with the Sleep Bath Salts. It allows me to feel reconnected with my body and gives me a great sense of comfort. I love having the diffuser on at home when I’m working, the Grounding Essential Oil Blend is my go-to with the beautiful aromas of Frankincense, Geranium Bourbon & Sweet Orange helping me to feel centred, balanced and ready to take on the day.

GROUND wellbeingHow has having children shaped the businesswoman you are today?

I went from a very busy travelling corporate world to having my first baby and it was the greatest shock of my life. It’s a huge period of adjustment but once you build a nest and have a family, you wouldn’t be anywhere else. I am so fortunate to have it and have healthy children but what I found is going back to the corporate world after having children you become the most effective, efficient person you’ve ever been in your life because time to get the job done so that you can go home and have the time off to be with your children and the time with your family becomes critical, so you become better at your job in terms of being effective, it’s definitely moulded me. But I think what has changed me the most as a mother was covid locking me down and grounding me in my nest and making me fully appreciate my family and the school runs and the rhythm of it all and once I made friends with that it’ll be very hard to dig me out of that because I love that now. I don’t think anyone can have it all but I think you can choose the spaces and the place and the people you want to be next to and near in the day and try and work towards that and I think COVID showed me that. I’ve built a life now where I have that thankfully!

Can you give any advice to a woman juggling a business and a family?

Make sure you have a solid network around you for support. I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of surrounding yourself with the right type of people. It’s crucial for emotional wellbeing. Surround yourself with friends who want to listen and support you as much as you do for them. Rather than trying to do everything I have learned to just do what serves me and that’s how I get my balance.

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