Ten Minutes With Jamie Baird, Founder Of Steeps “One Shot”

Introduce Steeps One Shot to our readers. 

Steeps One Shot is the one-shot your body needs! It’s a powerful once-a-day gut-friendly wellness shot that gets your metabolism and digestion firing on all cylinders. You just need to take a 10ml shot daily and the natural anti-inflammatory properties of all the raw ingredients takes the heat off your immune system, helping to keep nasty bugs at bay.


It all began three years ago, when I was researching gut health. I stumbled upon a recipe that originated in the 70’s, by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, who coined the phrase “Fire Cider”. Fire Cider is popular in the US but mostly unknown in the UK, although we are slowly getting on board. Fire cider has been known as the remedy for everything from dull skin and dandruff to digestion, weight loss and having a healthy immune system.

I started experimenting with the recipe making it in my garage and I was fascinated with the ingredients and their individual health benefits. I couldn’t believe it was possible to have all those benefits and all that goodness in one small daily shot.

Fast forward a few years and I’ve now launched the UK’s answer to fire cider with a product called ‘Steeps One Shot’, it’s a fiery blend of seven raw, natural, sustainably sourced organic ingredients – turmeric, ginger, chilli, garlic, onion and horseradish all infused (steeped) for 12 weeks in Apple Cider Vinegar.

Jamie Baird Steeps Founder

Did your work previously lend itself to starting your own health-related business or is this a career U-turn for you?

Yes most definitely. I have been a fitness trainer for the past 20 years so health & fitness has been a very big part of my life. More recently in the last 5 years or so I have become more interested and fascinated by the gut, digestion & the microbiome. It was a natural step & an extension of what I already do. I was seeing more and more clients who were having health issues that were not really related to how they looked and more how they felt. A combination of lifestyle, work, sleep, eating habits were all playing a major role.

Do you think people have become more focused on their health and wellbeing since the pandemic?

At first yes, so many more people running (as the gyms had shut) a lot more taking part in Zoom workouts. However, I do think the enthusiasm tailed off, particularly going into winter & then the third lockdown didn’t help. For me, as a trainer, I love the one to one interaction of in-person workouts, which you don’t get with Zoom. I find zoom classes a challenge to teach because you do not get feedback or interaction. I believe people also got a little bored of them as well, same setting, same TV screen etc. People need to go to different places to do different things, doing everything under the same roof does have its drawbacks.

steeps one shot

How do you suggest Steeps One Shot slots into a healthy lifestyle, is there anyone in particular it benefits?

I was guilty (I think like a lot of people) of having supplements at home and a 30 day supply would take me 90+ days to take. Any bottle hidden away out of sight, I would forget to take them. You don’t get the benefits of Steeps One Shot if you do not take it, a little bit like a lot of supplements. Steeps One Shot is designed to sit on the kitchen top, with a shot cup and an easier pourer (so you don’t spill it) to make it more accessible for people to take on a daily basis. There are no hard and fast rules of when to take it, just remember to take it. If you suffer from acid reflux then I would suggest taking it mid-way or at the end of a meal. The benefits aren’t noticed straight away (unless you suffer from acid reflux, a 10ml shot can ease reflux symptoms within 5mins), it’s a bit like having anti-virus software loaded on to your computer. You know it’s there doing its work behind the scenes to keep everything working optimally.

What would be your top 3 health/wellbeing tips?

1- A good 7-8hrs Sleep
2 – A varied colourful diet
3 – Movement

Sleep helps recovery and recharge, food feeds the body with all the nutrients and movement keeps joints and internal organs in good shape.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day seems to be different, even in lockdown. I wear many different hats at the moment & that’s probably the hardest part. Juggling Steeps OneShot production, keeping up with social media, forward planning, answering emails and then there is the fitness training side of my life which has been quieter, but will soon pick up once we ease out of lockdown. Having 3 kids at home thrown into the mix really livens everything up too. I am very much a list person, so everything is written down and I just plough through the list when I can.

Visit the website to purchase a bottle of or learn more about the Acid Reflux Programme.


Try out the benefits of Steeps One Shot with our discount code  365MAG15

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