Plastic Free July – Five Easy Swaps That Anyone Can Make

This month it’s Plastic Free July ®, a global movement all about learning how to make small changes and choosing to refuse the single-use plastics we have in our lives. Most importantly it’s not about being perfect, choosing just one thing to swap will make a difference. As Anne-Marie Bonneau (@ZeroWasteChef) said “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

There are swaps that suit everyone, and once you swap one, we bet you’ll find more things you want to swap. Not to mention we’re so lucky in Sussex to have some incredibly progressive shops, delivery services and brands to help make that happen.

We teamed up with Sussex-based plastic-free lifestyle delivery service Roots & Hoots to share some of our favourite easy swaps:

  1. In the Shower; Roots & Hoots can deliver incredible smelling natural products in brown glass bottles that not only save the planet but look beautiful on your shelf until you get them re-filed again.


Plastic Free July


2. In the kitchen; step away from throwaway cloths and scrubbers and welcome in coconut scourers and home-compostable sponges that do the job just as well.

3. In the pantry; swap to unpackaged products either from your local refill store or Roots & Hoots will deliver your favourite store cupboard items in reusable cloth bags and tins. Plus who doesn’t love a shelf of re-filled masonry jars?

4. In the bathroom; swap to a re-usable razor – we throw around 2,000,000,000 disposable ones every year!


Plastic Free July


5. In the bedroom; say goodbye to plastic deodorants and grab yourself a natural one such as Ku.tis that is not only plastic-free but also free from nasty aluminium salts that so many big brands sneak into their products.


Roots & Hoots


There are so many more, too many to mention but hopefully, this gives you an idea for one small plastic-free lifestyle swap that might suit you. Life can be busy and that’s where amazing services like Roots & Hoots can help. Simply order online and they deliver within days in their electric van. Your goods arrive in beautiful bags and bottles that they collect, clean and re-use on your next order keeping you fully stocked and all waste out of the bin. Plus for Plastic Free July they have 15% off starter kits to help you take the leap. We can’t wait to see what you swap.


Roots & Hoots

*This article contains gifted PR products but we’re thrilled to support a local ethical lifestyle store.

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