3 Cacao based Recipes | Kale and Cake

So we are well underway into the second half of the year now, and you may be thinking about goals, targets reached (or not reached) and how you can improve your lifestyle. With this in mind we chatted to our recipe contributor Sarah Moore from Kale and Cake Nutrition. A company she founded to help people with their relationships with food.

“Women undeniably have a close relationship with chocolate, but it’s bittersweet. It’s one of our big loves, but it’s also a no go area. An area that induces guilt and regret thanks to years of diet culture influence and the constant pressure we have felt to put weight loss at the centre of our lives.

Women have fluctuating hormone levels, and when we are feeling hormonal or down, we crave chocolate more. But chocolate can be a positive aspect of our nutrition.

Cacao itself is rich in magnesium, an energy mineral and vital electrolyte, which is associated with calming the body’s nervous system. So it’s good for encouraging calm, reducing anxiety and inducing good quality sleep. Cacao is also high in copper and source of zinc and potassium.


Instead of seeing chocolate as the enemy, go for the best quality highest cacao you can and enjoy the benefits. Raw cacao has been cold pressed instead of roasted like Cocoa powder, so it retains more nutrients. I like Naturya Organic Cacao powder best (£4 for 125g from Tesco) as it’s so rich and decadent, but you could also use Food Thoughts Cacao powder (£3 for 125g from Sainsburys.)


Here are a few of my favourite recipes below, good for breakfasts or snacks. I always include nuts or nut butter, as the protein and fat within there will sustain you a bit longer, rather than raising and dropping your blood sugar levels.”

Kale and Cake for 365

Chocolate porridge

40g oats

50ml plant milk

Half mashed banana

1tbsp nut butter – almond or peanut

1 dessertspoon cacao powder



Heat the oats with the milk and mashed banana on the hob, and when cooked stir in the nut butter until it is melted and the cacao powder.

Delicious topped with frozen berries, especially raspberries and blueberries.


Cacao smoothie

1 dessertspoon Cacao powder

1 dessertspoon nut butter (peanut, almond) or alternatively a tablespoon of cashew nuts

1 medjool date

Half a banana

200ml plant milk (I use oat)



To make it a more filling breakfast, add 1 tbsp oats.

To make it into a Mocha, add a shot of espresso

To make it more interesting, add a chunk of fresh ginger (so good!)


Cacao Cookies


1 ripe banana mashed

2 heaped tbsp oats

1 tbsp cacao powder

1 tbsp almond butter

1 tbsp maple syrup



Simply mix all the ingredients together, and then spoon and mould into cookie shapes on a baking tray. This makes 8 small cookies, or 4 large.

Bake on 200 degrees for 15 mins.

Kale and Cake for 365

A bit about Kale and Cake:

Kale and Cake offers Eating Psychology and Nutrition Coaching with Sarah Moore- to help you gain a healthy relationship with food. Sessions are run from her home in Ditchling or via Skype, and they are for anyone that feels they are stuck yo-yo dieting, feels out of control or guilty around food, or thinks they overeat for emotional reasons. Her 6 session programme encourages a positive relationship with food and your body, as well as helping in how to give your body good nutrition.

For more information or to read the testimonials, you can visit the website here or follow Sarah’s Instagram.


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