Ten Minutes with Hermione Bellm, Founder of CEO Yourself

Hermione Bellm is EU & UK CEO of JSHealth Vitamins and the founder of recently launched motivational resource platform, CEO Yourself. Hermione is a passionate, successful individual who has not only built an extremely impressive career, but is also expecting her first child any day. We sat down with Hermione for ten minutes to find out how she’s been looking after herself during this pregnancy.

What are 3 things that you would recommend for a working woman who is pregnant to stay healthy/ look after her mindset?

My mantra is ‘balance through boundaries’ and I’ve never had to be more boundaries than in the past 9 months of pregnancy! In order to perform at work, and keep up the demanding fast pace, I have had to really limit my social life and other commitments. As I’m a step mum, my priorities have been family, work and then finding time for myself to rest and relax, to ensure a healthy pregnancy. I would highly recommend the following: 

1. Balance through boundaries – say no and only do what you really want to, and have the energy for 

2.Take time for yourself every day, without fail – whether that be an early nights sleep, a walk at lunchtime or having a magnesium salt bath at night by candlelight

3.Communicate with your team/employer and WFH and/or have shorter days when you’re unwell or physically uncomfortable 

What supplements will you transition on to/ back onto post-pregnancy? Is there anything you have particularly missed?

I cannot wait to be back on the full JSHealth bandwagon as soon as I finish breastfeeding. I will be taking Hair + Energy, as I imagine I’ll be needing all the energy I can get with a newborn (!) and because so many women suffer from hair fall post-birth. 

I miss our Vitality X + Collagen powder the most. It supports your hair, skin, nails and gut and I love the flavour and the little boost it gives me mid-morning in the office. I also really notice my skin is so dewy and glowy when I’m taking it, people always comment! 

My other favourites include PM+, ACV Gummies (so delicious) and Metabolism + Sugar Support. 

What have been the best supplements for you during your pregnancy journey?

(Unfortunately, we can’t advise women on what supplements to take during their pregnancy as it must be advised by a doctor or medical professional…) Our community called for it and we answered… thus, we are launching a prenatal soon to our Australian market, watch this space! 

Are there any rituals you swear by to ensure you get some ‘self-care’ time with your busy schedule?

I have quite a strict daily routine that I swear by! Topline, it looks like this: 


-Wake slowly with Lumie light 

-15-20 min guided meditation

-Shower, dress, get ready 

-Don’t look at phone until in the car! 

-Listen to affirmations en route to coffee

-Buy coffee at my favourite on my way to work 

-Throughout the day: make time for moving my body throughout the day, stretching, fresh air and a walk


-Cook, when possible 

-Wind down with no technology before bed 

-Candlelit bath, journal including gratitude for the day and brain dump to ensure I have a clear mind for sleep

-Read 10-20 pages

Hermione Bellm Founder of CEO YourselfHave you received any great advice since being pregnant that you could share with us?

Ride the wave and enjoy the journey because life is about to change in a big way! 


Discover More & Connect with Hermione: jshealthvitamins.co.uk/ hermioneolivia.com  / @hermioneolivia


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