Effective CBD products for Skincare, Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing

The wellness market is brimming with goods to ‘cure’ all ailments, many of which we’re learning are sadly, transient fads, though there’s one product health professionals seem to align on; CBD products.

Wellness gurus have been harping on about the medicinal benefits of cannabis for years, but it’s only now we’re finding it in the consumable form of CBD on regular high-street shelves. While it’s often mistaken as its psychoactive sister, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (Cannabidiol) derives from a safer plant of the cannabis family, Hemp, and as just one of many compounds deriving from the cannabis species, it’s seen as a secret weapon for everyone, from those who struggle with sleep to the high levels athletes. Spanning the industries of food, drink, beauty and supplements, it’s scientifically proven to safely reduce chronic pain and inflammation whether that be for sporting injuries, sensitive skin, period pains, insomnia, and even acting as an antidote to mental health concerns like anxiety, all without the intoxicating high you may get from a product containing more than 0.3% THC. It can be hard to navigate which brands follow on their promise and equally, how you can justify the more expensive products. Speaking to the Founders of leading CBD brands, 365 have done the work for you by pinpointing products to help with three areas of concern: skincare, mental health, and physical wellbeing.

Skincare: Ascend Skincare

We know that our skin is our body’s largest organ, but do we know much about what we put on our skin? It’s alarming when we notice the back of certain products that are saturated with synthetic cosmetics, and this is exactly what prompted Ascend Skincare’s Founder, Tamara Mcasey, to hand-pick the ingredients for her small-batch and sustainable brand. 

CBD products

With CBD being the key ingredient to their trio of award-winning products, Ascend isn’t just your stereotypical plant-based brand that may fail to deliver on results. Every product is developed and manufactured in Scotland, with every ingredient being used with purpose. You’ll be familiar with the names of the nutrient-rich botanical oils and active ingredients used alongside the full-spectrum CBD (meaning it’s the least processed), all of which have been rigorously tested to ensure they work in synergy with one another and driving the results Ascend promises. 

CBD products

Use Ascend CBD if you have:

Dry, itchy or sensitive skin.

CBD is anti-inflammatory and has no astringent side-effects, while it also helps to strengthen the skin barrier which will keep skin healthy and lock in moisture, making it perfect for those of us with eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis. Try the hypoallergenic Caffeine + CBD Brightening Oil Serum which also uses Squalane to reduce any redness, and plant-derived caffeine to brighten the skin and visibly reduce the signs of fatigue.

Combination or heavily blemished skin.

It helps to regulate the production of your skin’s natural oil, Sebum (which leads to blackheads and breakouts if it’s overproduced), all without using any irritating acids. Try the Rebalancing CBD Lustre Face Oil, which uses other natural ingredients such as Jojoba Oil. Jojoba acts as a protective barrier to prevent moisture from escaping the deepest layers of the skin, all while allowing it to breathe without the same synthetic, pore-blocking occlusives you’ll find in most other products.

CBD products

Ageing skin.

CBD is a potent antioxidant that counterbalances oxidative damage to your skin cells – i.e damage that causes fine lines and wrinkles. It also repairs and restores radiance. Try the multi-award winning Phyto-Retinol + CBD Night Serum Concentrate which uses Rosehip Oil to boost the production of collagen and boost skin cell regeneration leaving your skin feeling bouncy and youthful. 

Although I can’t say I have the conventional signs of ageing skin, I’ve been using the Phyto-Retinol + CBD Night Serum Concentrate for just over a month now which has left my sensitive skin feeling clear and replenished of all the moisture I previously lacked. Not once has it felt itchy or inflamed, even after enduring the cold autumnal winds we see here in Brighton! My only note is to not overapply and use it carefully- because the pure ingredients can leave a slight yellowish tint on your bedsheets.

Mental Wellbeing: Cannaray CBD

Strictly Come Dancing star Claudia Winkleman is a fan, in fact she leads the CBD revolution as demonstrated in that amusing TV ad campaign. 

The use of CBD for mental health isn’t just some hippy hypothesis; it’s scientifically proven to work. Dr Balu (Cannaray’s in-house psychiatrist) explains that the CBD compound works by unlocking the receptors in your brain and peripheral nervous system, which then send soothing signals to your cells in order to maintain physical balance and give an overall sense of calmness in the brain. For this reason it can really help with anxiety behaviours stemming from overactivity in the brain, including insomnia, PTSD, OCD, and seasonal affective disorders. Struggle to sleep? CBD can help with that too. Many prescription remedies come with side-effects like drowsiness and addiction, which is why natural CBD is an effective, natural alternative when used correctly. My sleep noticeably improved since starting the CBD Oil Drops Discovery Kit, which is the perfect answer if you’re a CBD newbie and want to discover how the signature Cannaray Night-Time CBD Oil Drops and the Bright Days CBD Oil Drops work in harmony with one another. The biggest thing to note with CBD is that its effects are cumulative, so to see results you really need to be consistent in taking it. 

CBD products

After just one week of trialling the Discovery Kit I felt considerably more relaxed and content throughout the day, unphased by unexpected disturbances or changes to my initial plans (as a bit of a control freak this is something that tends to leave me agitated and distressed!). Because of the cute packaging I could leave the bottles on my dressing table, making Bright Days the first thing I used as I got ready in the morning and Night-Time Drops the last thing I took before bed. Contrary to common belief, CBD didn’t make me fall asleep any sooner, however I did find it sent me into a much deeper, undisturbed sleep (I’m usually woken up by a single creak of a door). The taste can’t go without mention here, as Cannaray have perfected their recipe to make oils palatable regardless of the time of day – think citrusy lime in the morning and peppermint flavours in the evening. These were much easier to take than the musty taste of flavourless oils by some competitor brands.

Skin care

Physical Wellbeing: Hill Country Collective

It may seem odd why a tool for calming the body is popular amongst athletes, but the versatility of CBD means it can really elevate physical performance. Whether you’re a competitive athlete or just leisurely attending gym classes, the oils and balms by Hill Country Collective are a testament to why CBD should be a part of everyone’s kit bag.

Why should you use CBD as a gym-goer?

For mental preparedness

As we know, CBD aids physical and mental relaxation. Inducing mental clarity can reduce unnecessary mental stress which can hinder the physical system, and also ensuring the mind can feel prepared to take on mental challenges. Consistently taking the Hill Country Collective CBD Oil will allow you to perform your best without any overwhelming emotions holding you back.

Optimising recovery

The brain directs certain hormones to damaged muscles while we sleep, and therefore it makes sense why a good night’s sleep is crucial for physical recovery. By incorporating Hill Country Collective CBD Oil into your daily routine, it will allow your body the time it needs to recover effectively in the background and prime you for your next performance.

Relieving physical inflammation

Why is it that we ache after a particularly demanding workout? By working harder, muscle fibres tear and this causes them to become sore. CBD moderates this inflammatory response, so it’s particularly useful when you’re increasing the load and you want your body to effectively repair before your next session. From general niggles, to chronic conditions like arthritis or repetitive strain injuries, both the CBD Oil and the CBD Muscle Rub can alleviate symptoms. I found that the Muscle Rub is really handy for fast and direct relief to sore muscles, while the cooling sensation from the peppermint makes the discomfort of massaging out knots strangely enjoyable! Partaking in outdoor activities? It can also be applied as an instant relief to cracked or irritated skin caused by hot/cold exposure, making it the perfect accessory for every outdoor enthusiast’s bag.


Want to start your journey with CBD? 

Why not enter our exclusive giveaway with Ascend Skincare to be in with a chance of winning over £150 of award-winning beauty products!

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Elle Bolland

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