Featured | Cool Kids Hair Company | Hurstpierpoint | Sussex

Too Cool for School: Cool Kids Hair
Before you go anywhere near your kids’ hair with a pair of scissors this half term you’ve got to check out Gill East’s, Cool Kids Hair tutorials. Or better still, book a slot at her pop-up at Washbrooks Farm next week. That way you get to sip on a latte while Gill does the hard work for you. More importantly your mini-me gets to go back to class too cool for school. As someone who grew up with, well, interesting hair, I can confirm that they’ll thank you for it in years to come.
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Cool Kids Hair: The Story So Far
Gill’s inspiration for Cool Kids Hair came after friends kept asking her to tidy up their little ones mops. Especially those who’d had a go themselves and done a rubbish job. She wondered if she could somehow pass on her knowledge and give parents, grandparents and carers the skills to do a better job themselves without having to resort to a pro all of the time (and to help prevent more DIY fails).
So here we are a couple of years down the line: she’s gone from casually trimming little fringes and saving hack jobs as a favour for mates to running super successful school holiday pop-ups; hosting legendary workshops for Dad’s and Daughter’s; and creating online video and Instagram tutorials. 
If you ever have the pleasure of talking to her about her plans for the future, she’s brimming with amazing ideas and an abundance of ambition to expand her kids’ hair empire. She’s a real one to watch.
Gill East: Boho Hairdresser, MUA & Mum
Gill’s a pro hairdresser and make-up artist by trade. She creates gorgeous boho bridal hair and stunning make-up during peak summer wedding season; runs Cool Kids Hair the rest of the time; and she’s a mum to 3 boys. She literally doesn’t stop working. Ever.
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Cool Kids Hair Hub
Her website and social pages are a growing hub of how tos for children’s hair. She’s got big plans for this hub. If you’re interested in how to do your own children’s hair (styling and cutting), make sure you’re following her Insta and Facebook accounts where she posts tutorials and details of forthcoming pop-ups.
I finally cracked french plaits back in summer after watching her step-by-step guide on Facebook. And if I can do it, anyone can.
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Daddy & Daughter Workshops 
Of all her ideas, it’s the sellout dads and daughters workshops that are just the best. I sent my husband and daughter to the first one. They loved it. It was the perfect blend of useful skills, quality time and fun. And a chance for my husband who rarely does the school run to hang out with some other dads. So cool. Especially now he can whisk the girls’ hair into cute buns and fancy braids without a second thought.
And it’s not just us. There’s been heaps of glowing feedback and calls for more.
Gill was even contacted out of blue by a BBC journalist from South East Tonight who was keen to come and film one of her workshops. And although Gill says she was starstruck, it’s obvious that they would want to feature her. The daddy and daughter hair workshop is the epitome of fun, cute and heartwarming. It’s such a fab idea.
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Do you dutch braid?
I was lucky enough to have my very own chance to brush up my skills with Gill. She popped over for a cuppa and a one-to-one. I styled my youngest daughter’s hair under Gill’s expert eye; she effortlessly demo’d on Rafaela, the real hair doll alongside me. During the session she taught me how to do a french fishtail braid and dutch braids. Gill’s calm, skilled and totally non judgemental, giving lots of clear direction and encouragement. And by the end of the first attempt, we had something that looked like this.
Not too shabby. Even if I do say so myself. 
Then, these. And they stayed looking fabulous for the rest of the day. 
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I was skeptical that I’d manage anything that resembled a dutch braid on a wriggly 4 year old. But a week later, I’ve successful twisted her locks into dutch braids every morning since our tutorial. And that’s the art of cool, isn’t it. Making something tricky effortless. Gill’s an all-round super cool lady-dude: she’s not just great at cutting, braiding and teaching but being a busy mum and multiple business owner too. I can’t wait to for the next chapter of Cool Kids Hair. 
If you’re looking to get your little one’s hair cut over half term, Gill will be setting up shop at Washbrooks Farm on Monday and Tuesday (28th & 29th October). Be quick, there are just a few places left, contact her at gill@coolkidscuts.com or 07834206385


kids hair workshops sussexKatie Yarde
Sussex Freelance Lifestyle Content Creator / Blogger
Instagram: @sussex_born_and_fed
Facebook: @SussexBornAndFed
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